Friday, March 28, 2008

#66. become organ donor

Huh. That was easy. One quick download, print it out, trim it to size and that's all there is to it in my jurisdiction, apparently. I'm supposed to tell people about this, which I think I have, but I'll re-tell them, I suppose.

Organ donation. Why not? Assuming they don't take them from you while you're still using them, what's the difference? One of my other items on the list is to make a will, and the hardest thing to do for that, if I have to spell it out, will be to outline what should be done with me.

But that's another story. Organ donation is a big yes, and I think it should be the default option, and have people opt out of it rather than opt in. Or maybe donors could get a tax break or something. That's a bit macabre and could be interpreted as being paid for organs, but I don't see it like that. I think by doing this I'm merely being a good citizen, and human.

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