Monday, June 22, 2009

#62. upload (w/ descriptions) photos from Europe

Pretty much done. Only took...four years? It's amazing how long ago that doesn't seem. I try not to talk about it too much because it makes me sound like a pompus ass, but living in Europe for a year has left a mark on me. It seems much more vivid and familiar than things that have happened since then. I can sort of understand why people make a point of doing some traveling before embarking on "real life", but only to a point.

It's vivid, but it wasn't life changing. I'm not a different person, and I don't believe in "finding" oneself. I didn't have my mind opened up to possibilities or cultural landmarks, unless you count Eurovision. Part of this, I think, is the fact that I did this after grad school, in my mid-20s and not fresh out of high school or even undergrad. I was reasonably well informed about the world and felt comfortable in my own skin at the time.

That said, I try to encourage anyone with a passing interest in other places to travel. I'll be honest about it, though. It's more for me to live vicariously through them rather than out of some altruistic attempt on my part to have their doors of perception blown open by traveling.

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