Friday, November 12, 2010

#21. research and donate to worthy cause

This is simultaneously harder and easier than I thought it would be. A one-time donation was easy. Someone I knew was part of a really worthy project and - bam - there's your worthy cause. But I find it really difficult to find something I believe in enough to set up a recurring donation. I find a lot of idealogically unsound things in most organizations and I think one of my defining characteristics (even if it's not one that I particularly like, objectively) is the unwillingness to associate with people with whom I disagree.

When I step back on things it often looks like I'm throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but I see donating to idealogically flawed groups some sort of approval and even encouragement to perpetuate that. Maybe I'm taking myself and my fifty dollar donation too seriously. That's probably it.

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